How to change flight on Indigo?
There are many cases in which travelers, after making Indigo flight bookings, either come across cheaper flight availability or their travel plans change, due to which they wish to change their bookings and reschedule their flights as per their travel plans. Sometimes due to a lack of proper information, they struggle to find an answer to “How to change flight on Indigo?” if the same question is also bothering you, then you can go through all the important details mentioned below and proceed to make flight changes accordingly.
Indigo Airlines flight change policies:
Those passengers who wish to change their already booked tickets to their destinations must go through the important Indigo Airlines flight change policy; some important policies are described below:
- If any customer, after purchasing a flight ticket, wishes to change his booking within the initial 24 hours of risk-free time, then he is not required to pay any flight change fee to the airline.
- If any customer changes his booking after the interval of 24 hours, then he must pay a flight change fee to Indigo Airlines.
- If any traveler comes across any sudden medical emergency or wishes to change his ticket due to the sudden demise of his immediate family member, then he can provide the medical certificate to change his booking even after 24 hours for free.
- If Indigo Airlines delays your flight due to which you think you could end up missing your connecting flight, then you can cancel your initial reservation and request for flight change simultaneously.
- Flight change is only permissible to travelers if the seats are vacant on the selected flight on a particular date and destination.
- If the fare of your newly selected flight is more as compared to the initial Indigo flight, then you are required to make an additional payment to the airline, and if the fares are less, then your money will be refunded in the original mode of transaction or Indigo travel vouchers.
The procedure to make Indigo flight changes:
Ticket holders of Indigo Airlines have the facility to change their tickets either online or using offline mediums. The description of both is given below:
The online process to make Indigo flight change:
This is the suggested medium to make flight changes as it involves certain straightforward steps. If you are thinking about “how to change flight on Indigo online?” Then you can refer to the series of steps given below:
- Visit the website of Indigo Airlines.
- Click on “Manage” and tap on the “Change flight” option from the drop-down menu list.
- PNR number and passenger’s email address must be inserted. Tap on the “Get itinerary” button to find your ticket.
- Once you discover your flight, you must tap on the change button and select your preferred flight to your destination and mention the traveling date.
- Finally, you must save the changes and, if required, make the additional payments.
Contact Indigo customer care services to make flight changes:
Indigo flight changes can also be made by contacting customer care services. Customers must dial the Indigo customer service phone number: 0124-4973838 and ask the representative to make the desired flight changes. For this, it is important that they provide the reservation information to the corresponding representatives. Finally, if a flight change is possible, the airline representative will make the required changes.
Flight change at the airport:
Flight changes are also permissible at the airport if your Indigo flights are canceled at the last moment or delayed due to reasons under air carrier direct control. For this, it is important that customers reach the reservation counters and provide their booking details to request changes. The airline representative will change your flight if seats are available.
How many times can we change the date on an IndiGo flight?
There are many travelers who have confused “How many times can we change date in IndiGo flight?” Those passengers must note that there is no such limit up to how many times a date change can be made. Travelers can change the date by paying an additional fare. Flight changes are only permitted by Indigo Airlines up to three days before flight departure. If they make a date change within 24 hours for the first time, then they are not required to pay any flight change fee to Indigo Airlines.
Travelers can use any of the above-mentioned ways to change their Indigo flights. If they have made a reservation via a travel agent, then customers can contact them personally and ask them to make flight changes accordingly.
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